Chrome Dev Summit 2019 – Big Web Quiz – Day 1

chrome dev summit
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This autumn, I first ever went to Chrome Dev Summit. It was a tremendously inspiring conference that intellectually put me far beyond my everyday tech routine. One of the fascinating experiences was Big Web Quiz. I like it both as an attendee as it was an entertaining way to catch up on what I missed in the Chrome development and from an event organizing perspective as it was a positive way to recap and further promote all the work that the Chrome team did in the previous year.

On the first day of Chrome Dev Summit, attendees were voting on how much they do like features that were already added in the browser. I decided to collect all the features that participated, so t would be easier to recall them.

  1. Constructable stylesheets
  2. Intl stuff
  3. Blob reading
  4. Form elements
  5. Native lazy load
  6. backdrop-filter
  7. fromEntries
  8. allSettled
  9. Class fields
  10. Numeric separators
  11. Media keys
  12. Background fetch
  13. matchAll
  14. Sharing
  15. Images in clipboard
  16. Prefers styles

See all the schemes of how votes went and what feature won.

I wasn’t able to find links for all features, if you find any useful resources about any listed feature, please, add them in the comments, it would be wonderful to have an easier way to recall them all.

If you wanted to know how the web app for the Big Web Quiz was created – check this

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Olena Sovyn
Staff Software Engineer (London, UK). I ❤ React, Redux, lodash, React Storybook, and functional programming overall. Always open to learning something new

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