On the mid of this October, I was on a great conference dedicated to the React.js in the Amsterdam – ReactNL. You can check the program of the conference here http://reactnl.org/#program. As there were a few streams I was not on all the speeches, but I will try to do my best to share what I have heard (and yes, I think there would be a video from all the speeches). Originally I have created this small talk review for my teammates that were not at the conference, so they were able to get what there was.
1) “Styling React.js application”. Really good talk about how the styling is currently done in the react components. Max had compared all existed technologies (one of the slides from his speech https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CupKNldWIAA39zp.jpg) and presented new one that he + open source community are currently developing – styles-components https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components. It’s great! )) Still raw, but it is great do not have to make state changes just for handling hover state for the button. I have tried it on the small project on weekend and it’s interesting to play with and very suitable to use.
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